Thursday, October 13, 2011

Imperva reveals how much your cloned/stolen credit cards are worth

          If you have ever wondered how much your stolen or cloned credit cards are worth on the black market at the moment, wonder no more as Imperva director Rob Rachwald's research claims that US Visa cards are worth $2.00, while MasterCards are worth $3.00 and Amex cards are worth a juicy $5.00.

          UK cards have the curious distinction of being worth more – at $4.00 for Visa and MasterCards, and Amex cards worth an even juicier $6.00. European credit cards, meanwhile, are worth even more, with Visa/MasterCards fetching a hefty $6.00 each on the latest carer forums, and Amex cards issued in Europe selling for $8.00.

          North of the US border, however, Canadian Visa/MasterCards are worth a paltry $3.00 and an Amex card worth $6.00. Rachwald notes in his latest security posting that, while these values are just a single data point from a card security forum, they are still an interesting example of current value.


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